SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #1: 8 Good Reasons Why I Love Membership Sites {!firstname_fix}, You can make serious cash one small monthly payment at a time. I absolutely love continuity programs and membership type websites and that's exactly what were going to be talking about in this short five-day Ecourse. We will be talking specifically about the type of websites that get us a steady and reliable recurring monthly income. Of all of the things with Internet marketing that I've done over the past few years, membership sites are one of the best income generators of all Why Membership Sites are so GREAT! REASON #1 - Monthly, residual income You get a steady income, month in and month out regardless of how many new affiliates are promoting for you. As long as you keep providing that great content your income keeps coming in. REASON #2 - Passive cash flow (it just keeps on working!) You membership website just keeps on working even while you're sleeping. You're going to be in control of how much money you make depending on what type of membership website you decide to launch! REASON #3 - Stable and Predictable income Generally if you got a membership website, and you have 500 members in January, and chances are in February 400 people are not going to disappear. Sure you will have some people cancel, but new members will join as well. This gives you a nice stable predictable income month in and month out, something that you cannot get when you just rely on new product launches. REASON #4 - High Customer Value 500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month! If you are to sell an e-book one time to somebody for $27 you have exactly that $27. You would have to sell new customers all the time to keep money coming in. With your membership website at only $20 per month, your customer value is much higher than that $27 e-book, because if your average $20 customer stays for a total of 12 months they have a customer value of 12 x $20, or $240. Much better than a one-time $27 ebook sale huh! REASON #5 - You can Outsource 100% of it, or do it yourself If you are an expert in the field that you choose to set up your membership site in, you can certainly spend your time creating all the content for the membership site yourself in the form of articles and video tutorials. If you are not an expert in your chosen niche, then you can easily outsource the creation of that content to people that are experts in that niche. You can literally have somebody else creating and all the content for you, leaving little work to do yourself, hows that for easy money? REASON #6 - Fast and Easy to Create – Just one weekend A membership website can be fast and easy to create, it's really not as hard as you would think, in my video series I show you everything step by step. If you do things the right way you can get your first membership started this weekend and continue to build upon it month after month as more members join. REASON #7 - YOU don’t have to be the Expert A building contractor is usually the guy that makes more money on the job than anyone else when building a home. The interesting part is the contractor is not an expert at plumbing, installing Windows, or laying tile. He hires these jobs out to experts in each of those individual niches, yet he is the one that makes the most money on the overall build of the whole house. A membership site can run exactly the same way, you can hire experts to create content on any topic you can imagine, in fact you can hire multiple experts and have the top authority website in any given field on the entire Internet. And you don't have to be an expert in that topic.. That's powerful! REASON #8 - It’s Easy to Sell your Membership Site Once you build up a membership site on any given topic that you choose and it has a steady recurring income, you can sell that membership website for many many multiples of its monthly income. Think about that for just a minute, you just create a site and get up and running, fill it with some members which I'm going to show you how to do.. And now you have a legitimate business you can sell for a fortune. Remember above when we talked about how... 500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month! If you have a membership website that's making $10,000 per month, you could easily sell a website like this for over $150,000 You then just move on to building your next membership website, can you see the power here? To find out more how you can get started today checkout my full video seminar. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK