SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #2: 3 Membership Models That Work 100% {!firstname_fix}, There is literally no end to the type of content that you could deliver on a monthly recurring basis online, but they're are three basic models of how to deliver your content that I like to work with the most. #1 Free Membership – Forums, blogs, MySpace, etc. The first model that I would like to talk about are free membership websites. These are basically Web forums, blogs, content that you would put up on sites like Facebook and MySpace. Basically any content that you wish to give away for free in order to build a subscriber base that you can sell additional products to a later date. With sites like this you require your members to register so you can collect their information, but they don't have to pay to sign up. #2 Single Pay – You sign up and pay once, accessing valuable information This next type of membership site, is a single pay site where your members sign up and pay for the content once, that they can access in your members area forever. Let's say you have a single sale product such as an e-book or set of videos, that you're NOT going to charge a recurring monthly fee for. I highly recommend that you still setup a members area on your site and have your customers access that membership website to get the content rather than just a single download page. This gives you a much higher selling point and perceived value, because you can sell your customer on the fact that their order today gives then lifetime access to your product and membership area. This gives such a higher perceived value than just a one time downloadable e-book, because now your customers have lifetime access to something exclusive and in your niche. You can even tell them that when they place their order they'll get access to all future updates and that on occasion you do add new content to the members area. This will keep them coming back and this gives you a great opportunity to display additional offers inside of that members area. #3 Subscription – Recurring revenue While this is my favorite of the three subscription models, please still understand that there is a lot of value in the two previous models I mentioned above. With this type of subscription model you're going to get your customer to pay you on a recurring basis whether that is monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or even annually. With any of these types of payment options you get money again and again from the same customer that you only had to sell once. This is the main type of continuity program that we will be talking about in my full video seminar, and this is one of the first type of continuity programs I recommend that you set up. If you would like to find out all the details on how you can get a membership site going checkout my video seminar where I teach you everything step by step. Which ever type of continuity membership website you decide to set up, the best recommendation I can give you is to get started sooner rather than later! The sooner you start building your website and content, the sooner your recurring income starts coming in! To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK