SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #3: Starting A Membership In The Right Market {!firstname_fix} There's no point spending months working on a membership site if no one is going to buy it. So today, we're going to learn how to select a great market for your membership site. A good market has desperate, impulsive buyers. People that want to buy NOW! There are a lot of hot markets out there, that have a lot of people interested in them, BUT they are not buyers. These are the kind of markets were people maybe do a lot of research, but they don't do a lot of buying. These types of markets may have websites with a lot of discussion groups, but they're not passionate or impulse type buyers. What we want ideally is a crowd of people with a desperate, I have to have this now, or I need a solution right now. kind of mentality. We also want to look for a group of people that reside in a niche where there are other advertising outlets besides just Pay-Per-Click. We want to get into a niche where there are other opportunities that we can advertise with banners on some else's website, possibly in magazines, if there happens to be a magazine related to the niche that your membership site is based in, radio advertising on a talk radio show that covers your niche, or even trade shows or seminars where people are passionate about your topic. We also want to look for the type of niche where we can offer fulfillment as an information only product. We don't want to have to pay for inventory, or spend money on products to resell. We are looking for a niche that we can just create information products in the form of e-books articles and videos that are delivered digitally on the Internet or as a monthly shiped CD or DVD to your customers directly. There is a way bigger profit margin when you sell information than when you sell a physical product, that has a high production cost. So we are not looking for something that we have to buy and then resell, we want to sell information, because the cost of creating information is not that high, and you can basically create information once and sell the same download or access to that information in your membership site over and over again. Once you've paid for the original creation of that content to your customers that sign up in the future, it costs you nothing more, and your supply never runs out. Another important thing that we want to consider when setting up our membership site is to make sure that we are targeting *Proven Internet buyers*. There are actually some niches, where the targeted customers just do not like to buy online, they preferred doing it in person or over the phone and these are not the type of customers we are looking for. We are looking for customers, that are used to making purchases online and that love to consume all of the available information they can in their niche. A great market has a need for ongoing support, we are not looking for a one-hit wonder here where one e-book would tell them everything they would possibly need to know. We want to look for a niche where there is a continual need for people to come and learn new and ongoing things in your niche. A type of website where your customers are and have a need and a desire to come back again and again each and every month for new content. If there's not a need for new content every month it's going to be pretty tough to keep charging them a recurring membership fee every month. In my full video series we cover everything on how you can find a hot niche that's going to be evergreen, and keep your customers coming back month in and month out to devour the content you create for them. To find out exactly how you can get started creating your membership site today check out our full video series. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK