SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #4: Consumer And Business-To-Business Markets {!firstname_fix} Today were going to talk about the "Two Markets" Now what I mean by the two markets is the different types of markets that we will sell our membership products to. Now when I say two markets, I'm not talking about the good markets and the bad markets, I'm talking about the two types of markets within a great market. #1 CONSUMER MARKETS This market consists of products that you would sell such as Diets, cleanses, healthcare, finance, hobbies, etc… These are the types of markets that all average consumers would be interested in. These are going to typically be lower customer value ($10-$30/ month) types of membership niches. The plus side to this is these types of niches have a huge potential customer base. This is because these types of membership sites are going to have a huge appeal to a large number of different people, all over the world. This can be good because it gives us a large amount of people that could possibly be potential customers for your membership website. The more customers that you have that would be interested in your product, obviously this is going to make it easier to sell new memberships to these types of customers. You can find some niches that will literally allow you to include just about everybody in your potential customer pool, this can make targeting your advertising very easy because such a large number of people would have interest in your niche topic. The other type of big market that would make a great membership website are business and trade membership markets. #2 BUSINESS AND TRADE MARKETS These are basically people that are interested in making money whether it be in their business, or in people advancing their career, such as being a better Internet marketer, or how to be a better Real Estate Agent, or Mortgage Broker. There are an endless number of topics of people that are in a certain type of business that would love to learn how to better themselves in that trade. Career or business improvement niches can be very profitable. This is because these type of niches have a much higher customer value ($30-$100/month or more) Because anytime you're talking about teaching a person how to make more money or advance themselves in their lifelong career they are willing to pay a lot of money for this type of advice. You can market high $$$ items, when you are targeting this type of niche. Can you imagine how much a great real estate agent makes every year, and how much that real estate agent would be willing to pay you if you could teach them a way they could possibly double or even triple their income? Now one thing to consider is the types of niche where you're specifically targeting real estate agents, or chiropractors, or any other tight knit type of professional, is that there are not as many potential customers, but better conversions once you do find the type of customers that you are looking for. If you can tell somebody how to make more income they are definitely going to be willing to pay you a lot of money, so when you get into these sorts of niches you can sell a much higher ticket item on a recurring monthly basis. The great thing about these type of niches also is that once you have created a large database of members, you can go on to sell them even higher ticket items such as seminars, home study courses, and personal one-on-one coaching. Again, keep in mind if you want to start selling information in a professional business niche such as one of professional businesses that I mentioned above, you still do not have to be an expert in that market you can hire people to create any of this type of content for you. To find out more, check out my full video series which is available to you now and will help you get started in creating a great membership site income. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK P.S. Don't sell yourself short, you can literally become an expert overnight in any niche that you choose when you know where to hire the right people to create your content for you.