SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #5: Membership Checklist {!firstname_fix}, So here we are already on day five of my Continuity Cash Secrets eCourse, I want to thank you for sticking with me for this long and I truly hope that you have found some value in these basic lessons that I've sent you over the past week. Before I get started in today's lesson I did want to tell you that you can get my entire video seminar and learn how you can set up your own membership website. These videos are available right now my website at: YOUR LINK I have created a great step-by-step video tutorial that will teach you everything that you need to know, and of course it comes with a full moneyback guarantee if you think that I failed to deliver in any way at all after you watch my videos. That means you literally have nothing to lose, by giving me a chance to show you how you can set up a great membership website just as I have done multiple times in the past. Ok, so back into it! One of the things you might be wondering is... How expensive is it to set up your own membership website? I'm here today to tell you that it is not expensive at all, you can run your entire membership website using WordPress and it's free. There are a couple plug-ins that I use to help make some of my membership sites run smoothly and to aid in the content delivery but most of these plugins can be had for under 100 bucks, and they definitely are not necessary to get started. These are luxury items that you can purchase after you start getting new members into your site, and you can just pay for these types of items out of your profits. Ok, here is your checklist plan on getting your membership site setup fast! STEP #1 - Get your Content Together This can be content that you create yourself or that you hire an expert to create for you. STEP #2 -Setup and Test EVERYTHING on the site You can use a WordPress blog to manage your members area, with a few simple plug-ins I will tell you about in the videos, the great part is that even if you're not technically able to set up your membership site yourself you can outsource this very cheaply. STEP #3 - Build Your Membership Once the site is up and tested, focus 100% on building your membership, your entire goal during this stage of you new membership website is going to be getting as many new members as you can through word-of-mouth, pay per click advertising, banner advertising, and any other targeted advertising that will find your target niche. I cover more about where you can find members in the videos. STEP #4 - Reinvest your income for the first month After you have started to make some income from your first months members, you're going to want to reinvest all of that income, into creating tons of great new content for your membership site! You can never have too much content, and the more you give your members the more compelled they are going to be to stay a member for a very long time. So make sure you do not shortcut this, invest everything from your first month back into the site. STEP #5 - No full-blown updates until month 3 Now that you've been running your membership site for a while, you want to contact your members either through your membership forum or by e-mail and ask them what types of things they would like to see in your membership site in the future. Your members are going to be the best advisers when it comes to deciding the new type of content that should be added to your new site, just ask them, they will be happy to tell you exactly what they want. STEP #6 - Acquire a staffed expert to create content and moderate, after the 2nd month is completed. Once your membership site is in full swing you definitely want to consider hiring a full-time staff expert to be on hand to answer any of your members questions at any time, and to also create new content. You might consider hiring one of the outsourced writers that has been providing some of your article content for your membership site, obviously this would be a great choice because they already know all about your type of content. Once you have this person on staff full-time, they will start to get a much better feel for your membership site and the kind of things that will add value to your site. Once you have this full-time staff person managing your members area you can watch your content collection explode, and your membership base grow with that content explosion. STEP #7 - Outsource as much as you can, enjoy the reward of your hard work! There are Millions upon Millions of people who use the internet everyday, that would love to find a membership site like yours. If you got value from this 5 day course, you can check out my full video seminar without risk, and in no time you'll be running your own membership site too. Check out the full course Continuity Cash Secrets to learn much much more about how you can create your own membership website in ny niche you choose starting today. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK