SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - What Does A Conversion Actually Mean? {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the first day of my seven day e-Course on the conversion process and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you find this information is valuable and helpful! We're going to go through a lot of information, and I think you're going to be quite stunned when you realize exactly what you're going to learn in this series. What we're going to talk about is something called conversion rates. Now, before you think, "Oh, hang on, we're going into currency trading," we're not. It's nothing to do with currency. Conversion rates are basically how many visitors it takes you to get a buyer. So if you get 10 visitors a day that means once every 10 days you may sell something. If you get 100 visitors a day that means every day you might sell something. But what if instead of one in 100 buying, it was two in 100? If two in 100 bought, you've suddenly doubled your profits. You can see this is a very, very important concept for you to understand. It's actually a statistic that very, very few marketers know. It's quite sad, really, how few marketers understand conversion rates properly. There are very few that do. The whole point is that you understand your conversion rate, because if you know your conversion rate, then you can increase it and you can work to make it better. You can increase the amount of money you earn. We hope to share more with you this week and hope you stick around for the next discussion! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK