SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - Improving Your Sales Letter Conversions! {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the third day of my seven day e-Course on the conversion process and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you find this information valuable and helpful! Now, there's two ways for you to get a high sales letter conversion rate. The first way is you write great copy yourself. You may be able to do that. You may not. If not, then you need to go and learn how to do it. If you can afford to do it, then hire yourself a great copywriter, but be prepared to pay $1,000 plus for a sales letter. If you want to hire one of the best copywriters there are, you're talking $20 to $30,000 for a single sales letter. So you need to either do it yourself or have the money to hire somebody. You can get reasonable copy written for anywhere between $300 to $1,000 is reasonable. Great copy is going to cost a lot of money to get written. A lot of people will struggle with writing copy. It's not natural to many of us. Unless we come from a sales background, it's not always easy to write good copy. So it is considered an art form. And honestly, if you can't afford to hire a great copywriter, then the best thing you can do is invest in some copywriter training programs and really get yourself up to speed writing, if not fantastic copy, decent copy, copy that will convert at one to two percent, maybe. That's good enough for now. When it comes to improving the conversion rate of a sales letter, you need to change various components and see what effect they have on the conversion rate. Do they make the conversion rate better, or do they make it worse? It really, really depends. And the only way to do this is to test it. In our series, we will show you how. We hope that you have enjoyed this e-course on the conversion process. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK