SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Improving Your AdSense Conversions {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the fifth day of my seven day e-Course on the conversion process and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you find this information valuable and helpful! we're going to talk about the Ad Sense click through rate. Now, the click through rate basically shows you the percentage of people who saw your ad that clicked on it. So a click through rate of 10 percent means 10 in 100 people clicked on your advert. Now, obviously, I think we can say the higher the better, as the more you earn. So one of the goals you have with any Ad Sense site is to get a high click through rate. If you can get a high click through rate, then quite often what you find is you get better payments as well. We are not sure on what formula Google uses, but there seems to be some correlation between click through rate and how much you get paid. The better the click through rate, then quite often you get a slightly higher percentage of money from them. Now, to see the click through rate for any of your sites, you go into your Ad Sense management console. Make sure you've set up URL channels for all of the URLs that you're showing Ad Sense on, and then you'll see the URLs and the clicks and all the statistics. So it will show you your click through rate. So that's basically where you monitor your CTR. You can buy software that will do this if you want to, but you don't need it. You can use the Ad Sense management console to help you with this. For more information on Ad Sense, consider our program, which goes into much more considerable depth. In the meantime, we hope you enjoyed the discussion. There is a lot of money to be made out there and we hope we can help you! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK