SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - How To Maximize Your CPA Conversions {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the sixth day of my seven day e-Course on the conversion process and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you find this information valuable and helpful! CPA, or cost per action, is very, very popular at the moment. It's a big, big business for Internet markets. Many people are very interested in this. So you, obviously, may be using it and would want to know how to improve your conversion rates. Now, the conversion rates will vary massively, depending up on the niche and the type of creative that you deploy, the creative being the advert. Is it HTML? Is it a banner? And so on and so forth. Basically, there is no bottom line "This is better." You're going to have to test. You're going to have to try different things. Test different types of advertisements and different positions. Use the Google Map when putting your CPA adverts in place. It doesn't just apply to Ad Sense. It applies to all sorts of advertising. It shows you where people are looking for information on the web page. So you put your adverts there, they're going to see it. Test different ad sizes. Some of the CPA offers have different types of adverts. They'll have different graphics on there. So, quite often, you could promote the same CPA offer with two different adverts on the same page, and it looks like one offer. We hope you are enjoying our e-course on the conversion process at how it can help you on make more sales! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK