SUBJECT: Lesson #7 - Autoresponder Conversions {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the seventh day of my seven day e-Course on the conversion rates and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you have found this information valuable and helpful this past week! So how do you make sure that you get a good conversion rate with people signing up to your autoresponder? Do you just throw an autoresponder form on the page and hope for the best? Or do you follow some of the tips and tricks in this video and use that to increase the conversion rate of people signing up to your autoresponder? The first thing to do is to maximize the opportunities for people to sign up for your list. Now, a lot of the time, people will create a website and there's no sign up form. If there's no way for them to sign up to your list, how are they going to get onto your list? Is there going to be some sort of osmosis? Is it going to be magic? How are they going to do it? You have to maximize the opportunities for them to be able to sign up. So this means, at the very least, you want a sign up form on every page. But don't be too in their face. If at every step, there's windows popping up and icons flashing at them and all sorts of things, it's going to put them off and they're going to leave. You've got to get the right balance. You've got to present the opportunities in such a way that they realize it's there and they sign up, but not so much as to annoy them. Doing these small things are important and will lead to greater conversion rates! We hope you enjoyed our e-course on the conversion process these last seven days. There are tons of more information and easy to access strategies that can help you increase your sales! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK