Grab 13 'How To' Tutorials to Master cPanel, Cron Jobs, Fantastico, Awstats and more... Not a Techie Person? Try this... (cPanel, cron jobs, MySQL database and more simplified) Get Instant Access to 13 'How To' Video Tutorials (cPanel, cron jobs, MySQL database and more) Okay so you're excited to start your online business... You've bought web hosting, and a domain name and you're familiarizing yourself the your server. You log into your server, and see your cPanel... and now you're completely bombarded with all these functions and don't know what does what. So the question is how you can you take it one step further and use cPanel's best features to maintain and stay on top of your business? Right now you can get access to 13 step-by-step cPanel tutorials that will save you time, hours of fustration and allow you to automate daughting tasks. If you've ever wanted to know how to do any of the follow such as... * How to create MySQL databases * How to use Awstats * How to create profitable 404 pages * How to protect your files * How to install server scripts * How to set up a cron job * How to get rid of spam * How to perform direct server to server file transfers * and much more... ...Then this is for you. Check out the link below for more details. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME