*OUTSOURCE* Your Way to Success in YEAR! (and make more sales...) The 7 Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time... (and turn more profit...) 7 Steps to Expand, Grow and Scale Your Online Business in YEAR (here's how...) Outsourcing and hiring people is a sign that your company is growing. However there are a few problem marketers will face when they get to this stage... When you hire someone, they will do as you instruct, but they may not do it exactly as you do it... It will take some training, but in the end, if you stick with them, they will be loyal to you and grow your company... When you hire someone, they may have access to your passwords and such, and that is one of the reasons why people don't hire... But guess what? You are lying to yourself for not expanding your business. YOUR LINK?l Whilst outsourcing will solve problems, it will solve all of them because you still have to know what you're doing. You can't jump in with two feet, without knowing anything, or else you lose money and lots of time. There are tons of people you "could" hire, but to be truthful, a lot of them aren't the ones you want to hire. In fact, a lot of them will just waste your time. Think about it... if you are running your whole business alone, it can only grow so much. By hiring or duplicating yourself, you can expand and grow your business. The positives are, you can focus on the core activities, such as running your business and give the tedious tasks to your freelancers. If done correctly, you will have savings and reduce overheads. This step by step video course takes you by the hand and shows you how to correctly outsource your business tasks and hire the right employees that will help grow your business... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME