re: *OUTSOURCE* Your Way to Success in YEAR! (and make more sales...) RE: The 7 Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time... (and turn more profit...) REMINDER: 7 Steps to Expand, Grow and Scale Your Online Business in YEAR (here's how...) If you want to grow and expand your business, free up your time, get more things done and with less effort then you absolutely must know how to outsource like a pro... YOUR LINK?l This step by step video course takes you by the hand and shows you how to correctly outsource your business tasks and hire the right employees that will help grow your business... Module #1 - What you need and how it works --------------------------------------- In this lesson, you will be given an overview of the course, so you know what to expect. We'll also tell you what tools you will need and what concepts you need to understand, and how it all works. I'm a big believer in doing this first, so you know what to expect and how all the pieces of this outsourcing system, fit together. Module #2 - Figuring out your needs --------------------------------------- The biggest mistake people make, is jumping in with two feet without knowing what they need to outsource. You see, not all businesses were made equal, so you need to know what you need to outsource. For example, what takes the most time? What are the most tedious tasks? It's too easy to think about all these people you could hire to expand your business, but you need to think about the basics first. Module #3 - Posting Your Ad to attract the right freelancers --------------------------------------- One thing is for sure, freelancers are not created the same, which means different freelancers will have different strengths. Before you post your ad, you will need to understand the different types of freelancers, whether they are article writers, programmers, graphic designers, virtual assistants, and more. Some are more technical than others, some will need more guidance and training, and some will need less. In this lesson we will discuss the different types of freelancers. Once you understand this, then you can post your ad to attract the right person. Module #4 - Interviewing Process --------------------------------------- The whole idea of the previous lesson is to weed out some of the freelancers that would not fit your needs. This means the people that would not do the best job you are looking for. However, there is still a high chance for those not so great freelancers, to pass through. So in this lesson, we will discuss the interviewing process, or your last line of filtering for the good freelancers. Now you have to learn how to spot a bad freelancer, in order to find a good one. Luckily you won't make the same mistakes we have. How do you go about the interviewing process? What should you ask them? All these questions will be answered here. Module #5 - Giving them a test project --------------------------------------- By now you have picked a few candidates that could be potential part time or full time employees. These candidates should have knocked your socks off, or at least excited you enough for you to give them a test project. If that's not the case, then try again. Keep in mind you need to pay them, but you want to do a few test projects with them first, so they can earn your trust. This will give you the ability to see whether they are worthy of a position or not, which could later turn into a full time position. Module #6 - Hiring them and Paying them --------------------------------------- Once you are giving them projects and tasks to do, how do you pay them? Not everyone in the world can take PayPal. Sorry, but that's true. However you'll learn about 3 different payment sources that you can use quickly and easily. And this should cover just about every country. Module #7 - Increasing Productivity --------------------------------------- If you want good results, or improvement from your freelancers, there are a few tricks left in the bag that you need to constantly do. These simple and easy tips can be the difference between an output that stinks and an output that exceeds your expectations. If you're in a posistion where it's time to expand your business and delegate simple small tasks to others, then grab this course now to help you make better long term decisions and boost your overall profit... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME