SUBJECT: Outsourcing Lesson #1 - Key Elements Of Outsourcing {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the first lesson in the Understanding Outsourcing. Over the next few days you will receive several lessons that will help you learn the ins and outs of outsourcing and how it can help your business productivity. In this first lesson let's talk a little about what outsourcing is, how it works and what it can do for your business. We will examine some of the key elements of outsourcing to help you develop a better understanding of the concept of outsourcing. Outsourcing is a term that has received a great deal of attention lately. Despite the increasing trend in businesses relying on outsourcing there are still some who don't clearly understand what the term actually means. What is outsourcing? This is the most common question that many people have about the subject of outsourcing. Before you can dive into the more complex aspects of this business strategy it is important to have a basic understanding of the process. In the simplest form outsourcing is when a company delegates the completion of certain tasks to an individual not employed directly by the company. This individual may be an independent contractor or an employee of another company who is subcontracted to complete these tasks. In exchange for the individual’s services, he or his company receives monetary compensation. This description of outsourcing makes it far easier to understand the concept. Most people incorrectly assume outsourcing only applies to situations where large corporations have products manufactured overseas by a subsidiary and don’t realize examples of outsourcing can be seen just about everywhere in corporate America. Domestic outsourcing refers to outsourcing where both the primary company and the independent contractor or subsidiary are located in the same country. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to reduce costs but it is not always necessary to outsource work overseas to reduce costs. Cost savings will be discussed in greater detail in the section on the benefits of outsourcing but essentially outsourcing results in a savings as a result of a reduction of labor costs. Overseas outsourcing is the type of outsourcing most people already understand. This is where large corporations such as Nike, and even some smaller companies, employ manufacturing plants overseas in third world countries to upsize their profits. This is significant because their costs including wages, materials and building lease would be considerably higher in the United States than they are in these other countries. Now that you have a clearer understanding of the concept of outsourcing let's go over some of the main benefits of outsourcing. You may still be wondering why companies would go to the trouble of outsourcing certain tasks. Outsourcing is popular because there are a great deal of benefits to the companies who outsource the work. Some of the benefits include: - Reduced labor costs - Reduced workload - Increased workforce - Greater flexibility One of the main reasons companies resort to outsourcing is it can significantly reduce costs. In the case of overseas outsourcing of manufacturing tasks, costs can be cut dramatically because there are lower wages and costs associated with managing and maintaining the manufacturing plants. However, companies also enjoy a cost savings when they outsource tasks domestically. Reduction of labor costs is the primary source of savings in this case. Independent contractors hired on a contract basis for the purpose of completing specific tasks are often not given benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers compensation. Another benefit of outsourcing is enjoying a larger workforce and a reduced workload, without actually hiring additional employees. Businesses who maintain networking relationships with qualified individuals have more opportunities open to them because they are able to rely on these individuals to assist them if they acquire large or complicated projects. Finally, outsourcing gives a company a great deal of flexibility. Companies who have a significant workload and backlog of work where the majority of the employees are highly utilized might be hesitant to compete for new work because they do not have a great deal of employee availability. However, with a network of individuals to rely on if the need to outsource arises, the company has more flexibility in pursuing new work. We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to develop a firm understanding of how outsourcing works and how you can use it for your own business, but before we close this lesson I want to leave you with a list of the top reasons why you should consider outsourcing your business: - You can take up more work from a better range of clients because you have an army of people working with you. - You can get diversity in your team. When you find different outsourcing professionals, you find that these people are of different qualifications and skill-sets, which means you can even take up work which you were initially avoiding because of your own limitations. - You can't handle all the tasks related with a business alone. There will be several things you are not very conversant with and things that you don’t like doing. If that is the case, you might find outsourcing to be a great option to accomplish these tasks adequately. - Outsourcing definitely helps you meet deadlines on time. - For some people, outsourcing is also a means of reducing costs. If a particular service is expensive in your part of the world, you could find a professional from another part of the world where that particular service is cheaper. Make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be talking more about the advantages of using outsourcing. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK