SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - So Why Build A List?... {!firstname_fix} The advantages of having a subscriber list are obvious when compared to a 'one-time sale'. 1. You can save loads of time and effort in trying to reel in new customers. Imagine you have a list of a few hundred customers. All you'll need to do should you have a new product they would be interested in is just to blast an email out to all of them, and you'll have a substantial amount of cash even without having to source for new customers! 2. Build trust with your current subscribers & customers. Offer them value, tips, freebies and trust me, they will love you for it! The more they trust you, or rather, become your loyal customers, the more likely they are to make any purchase from you at the drop of a hat without hesitation! This will give you a massive advantage over other new marketers who keep trying to rope in new customers day after day not knowing why their profits remain stagnant! The next question you'll probably throw at me is: �Sounds well and good but how do I build a list? I have no inkling where to start or what resources I need to work on!� Well, there's no need to worry. You see, when I started out building my own list, it was done the hard way. I had to spend heaps of cash on half baked list building ebooks which taught me squat. It wasn't until I went through 100s of trials and error I was able to master the technique which can is responsible for four figure earnings with emails alone! So if you haven't already, you may want to start putting together the tools to start building your list today! Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME