SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - 4 Ways To Send People To Your Squeeze Page {!firstname_fix} Once you have created your squeeze pages and incorporated your opt-in code, you need to drive targeted traffic to your websites, consisting of potential leads interested in the overall focus of your newsletter or email campaigns. Here are a few ways to build the highest preforming mailing lists, quickly and easily: 1. Video With video websites like YouTube, it's never been easier to use the power of viral video to generate fresh traffic to your websites. All you need to do is develop a video or slideshow presentation that highlights your giveaway and directs people to your squeeze page. 2. Social Marketing If you have a Squidoo lens, ( you can now add opt-in pages right into your existing page. It's available as a module, and it's a great way to generate instant traffic to a remotely hosted opt-in page. Since Squidoo is considered an authority website and carries exceptional weight within the search engines, not only will you be able to generate fresh leads from your opt-in page itself, but you could also add links to your Squidoo lens pages that lead visitors to your other squeeze pages as well. Hub Pages ( is also another great method of drawing in new traffic and subscribers. HubPages works similarly to Squidoo in terms of being able to create instant single websites even if you are unfamiliar with HTML. 3. Articles With article marketing, it's all about offering high quality, relevant content that targets your market and propels them into investigating your resource box and visiting your website to find out more about you. Start out by submitting 3-5 articles every week, and before you know it, your article campaign will generate consistent traffic to your squeeze pages. As you continue to expand on the number or articles in circulation, you will be able to generate more traffic on a regular basis. 4. Giveaways If you do not plan on having a monthly newsletter, you can still offer free give items at certain points in the year. These free offers can be the same as the ones that are offered in newsletters. You can make these offers every couple of months during your regular email campaign. You do not necessarily have to do them regularly, you can stagger them or offer them at times of the year when most will be interested in the free gift you are offering. These are just a few ideas to get you going. Apply just one of these techniques and you'll start to see the opt-in count soar! Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME