SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Elements Of A Good Squeeze Page {!firstname_fix} If you didn't already know, I use squeeze pages to build my list. They are simply HTML pages which are designed to collect the name and email of my visitor. In exchange I offer something of value to them. This could be a report, mp3 audio, a video, or just weekly newsletter updates. A squeeze page is much more than what you see on the surface. You need to add some elements to add to a squeeze page which will capture the visitor's psycho so that he is ready to get into your list. Some of these elements are: 1. A short but bold and catchy headline You want to grab the reader's attention and let them know that they're on the right page that will answer their questions or concerns. This is why it's important to know what your visitors are after before hand and have content ready to hand out to them. 2. Ticks and Bullet points This will describe a little bit about the product or free gift you are offering. Treat your squeeze page as a part of your sales copy. You don't need you be a great copywriter to write a squeeze page, just be sure to craft your squeeze page with the same skills that you have used in crafting your sales. 3. Audio A little bit of audio will further enhance the appeal of your squeeze page and if you are an expert, your audio will hypnotize the visitor so that he has no other way but to subscribe to your list. But again, don't over do it. Use it sparingly. Also audios don't work for everybody-if it works for me, it doesn't mean that it will work for you too. Test out every squeeze page. If you see that by adding audio, your conversion levels have dropped, then don't use it. These are just some basic elements that make for a high converting squeeze page. In the video series we'll cover exactly what you do with them once their on your list! Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME