SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - The 'Secret' Weapon In Your List {!firstname_fix} Most people believe that a large mailing list is the secret to big money. It really is not. What counts is the quality of the people on your list. This means that they are likely to buy when you send out an email. As you can see, if they aren't buyers, it doesn't matter how many people you have on your list. No buyers, means you get no business. The real "secret" to making money online is having a list populated with people who are willing to hand over the money when you show them a great opportunity. Certainly, they won't buy each offer you have, but they will purchase those items that make sense to them. It isn't more complex than that. Here's 3 ways I make sure I build a list of buyers. 1. Offer something cheap! Whilst there's not a lot of profit potential from $10 sales, I go as low as $7, even as low as $1. If no one is willing to buy even at these low prices, especially if I'm offering something of great value then you know that they shouldn't be on your list in the first place. 2. One-time offers! This is where I'll provide something for free and then after they sign up they're presented with a mid-range priced offer, somewhere between $27-$97. If they buy I'll use an automation feature to subscribe them to my 'buyers' list. This was I get to filter out the buyers from the freebie seekers. 3. Low-cost membership. If someone is willing to spend say $4.99 a month on how-to content, do you think they'll be interested in the higher end products you have to offer? Of course they would. This is why I focus on setting up low-cost, low-profit recurring membership sites that provide information in the form of PDF reports. I can then gauge that up-selling a higher priced one-off $97 product would not be so much of a problem since they're already use to spending with me. This is just some of the ways I generate a buyer's list and it's the same mentality you should be adopting to get the most out of your list! No one wants a list of freebie seekers do they? Rather have 100 REAL buyers than 100,000 freebie seekers! Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME