SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - High Profit Email Marketing {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the fifth day of my seven day e-Course on email marketing secrets and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you find this information valuable and helpful! Using email-marketing campaigns to create new business and further maximize your outreach is one of the easiest tactics for smart marketers looking to minimize their marketing requirements, while still pushing out their brand quickly and easily. Better yet, email marketing if done correctly, can become a viral method of advertising your new business, products or services. The people who receive these campaigns will tell their friends about the great deals that are offered by simply opening an email that your company has sent to them, especially if you focus on offering exclusive deals, coupons and incentives available only to list subscribers. These email promotions should not be sent out too often. You want them to be special events that your customers will look forward to receiving. We also look forward to discussing simple lead generation topic during our next email! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK