SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Simple Lead Generation Topics {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the sixth day of my seven day e-Course on email marketing secrets and how you can use it to be successful. I hope that you find this information valuable and helpful! There are a few ways to build the highest performing mailing lists, quickly and easily. For example: Video Marketing: with video websites like, it's never been easier to use the power of viral video to generate fresh traffic to your websites. All you need to do is develop a video or slideshow presentation that highlights your giveaway and directs people to your squeeze page. You can also place these videos on video websites where they can be viewed by those who are searching for instructional videos. You can include a click through link on the actual video so that these potential customers can find their way to your website easily. Use a free movie making program like Windows movie maker, if it came with your computer, or download a trial copy of Camtasia ( and create a short video or slideshow that speaks directly to your target audience and showcases the benefits of your mailing list or newsletter. Social Marketing If you have a Squidoo lens, you can now add opt-in pages right into your existing page. It's available as a module, and it's a great way to generate instant traffic to a remotely hosted opt-in page. There are many other ways to increase your web traffic which we will discuss further in our series. We hope you have enjoyed this e-course and stick around for our last email tomorrow! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK