Subject: Is Facebook Ads Worth It? Dear {!firstname_fix}, Did you know that Facebook is by far the fastest growing on-line Ad program in the world? Now with Facebook Ads anyone could get their advertising campaign up and running in a matter of just minutes! Facebook has enormous amount of potential because it markets specifically to age, gender, your region of choice, and much more. YOUR LINK?l If you’re a business owner and are thinking about increasing your conversation rates, Facebook is the place to do it. We’ve tried Google Adsense, and they can also be effective, but nothing really beats the niche marketing opportunities that Facebook provides. Google Adsense can be tremendously expensive too - another good reason to try Facebook Ads. I've just released a 10 part video series that reveals everything you need to know about using Facebook Ads to generate more business for yourself no matter what you target market! Inside you'll learn... >> Researching Your Target Market >> Planning Ahead to Make Your Ads Work >> Writing Your Ads and Getting them Approved >> Setting Up and Testing your Ads (CPC vs. CPM) >> Increase Your Networking and Building Relationships and much more! Check it out at the official site below and for a quick video demo: YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, To Your Success! YOUR NAME