SUBJECT: Facebook Lesson #1 - Researching Your Target Market {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the first lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and general promotions. The first thing you need to consider is your keyword choices. What keyword most falls in line with what you want to sell – your product or your page? There are different ways to get the most effective keywords, such as using Google’s powerful free tools. The next thing you want to do is find out where your keyword is most searched – are more people searching for your product in Florida, Canada, or California? There are simple and free tools you can use to find the trends. Once you do this research which could take you only a few minutes, you should find out the top sites in your niche area. You can use to help you with this for free. Visit the top 2 or 3 sites in a particular search so that you will be able to compare their demographics. Next, you want to find out a little more about the people who are searching these sites if they are available. This information can be found on Quantcast, another free and great service to help you find your demographics that you will use to place your Ad on Facebook’s Advertising interface. Stay tuned for our next lesson because we will tell you what to do with your demographic information. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK