SUBJECT: Facebook Lesson #2 - Planning Ahead to Make Your Ads Work {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the second lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and general promotions. Now, in order to plan ahead and save yourself time and money you want to know where you are going to send all this new traffic to. Are you going to send them to a Facebook fan page or are you going to send them to a regular website? I have found that sending traffic to a fan page is a lot more effective in the long run, because here you can develop a deeper relationship with them. From there you can get them to your landing page. Doing this has other benefits including sending them updates and free downloadable items. So the first thing you need to do before jumping in and getting your ad going is creating a fan page. I recommend doing this whether or not you decided to send them to your own site at first. In our next lesson we'll review how to write your Ads and actually get the approved! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK