SUBJECT: Facebook Lesson #3 - Writing Your Ads and Getting them Approved {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the third lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and general promotions. Today, we are briefly going to talk about how to actually write your Facebook Ads and get them approved. Now we need to remember all of the data that we worked hard on getting. Keep that handy. Now we want to make sure that the users have a great experience, so we need to review a few do’s and don’ts. Here are a few don’ts: Don’t mislead Don’t insult race, religion, etc. in ad Don’t use all capital letters Don’t use redirected landing pages Don’t use numbers in place of word Do’s: Use proper grammar and capitalization Action picture that relates to your audience Do use a landing page whether it’s a fan page or squeeze page Do have a call to action Do make sure keywords are in your title and body As far as Facebook approval, make sure that you are selling any drugs, alcohol or anything illegal. Make sure that you don’t post anything that could be offensive based on religion, race, ethnicity, or nationality. In our next lesson we will review what ins and out of setting up and testing your ads. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK