SUBJECT: Facebook Lesson #4 - Setting Up and Testing your Ads (CPC vs. CPM) {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the fourth lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and general promotions. A few things you should remember when you are creating a Facebook Ad, make sure you that you have a call to action. That essentially means, that you actually ask people to do something: click here, watch a video, download a free report, or whatever. The essential thing you want to do is build trust with your audience and those you are trying to sell to. Now using Facebook’s ability to micro target demographics, your ability to get higher conversions is absolutely essential. Remember that you want to limit your Ad spending at first so that you can analyze the effect of the advertisements. On Facebook you have two choices: CPC (cost per click) and CPM (Cost Per Impression) I would recommend CPC because often times you get the impression anyway. Facebook may be also getting rid of CPM in the future. If you want to try CPM you can by creating a new advertisement and see how it works for you. In our next lesson we will discuss how to build more traffic on your fan page. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK