SUBJECT: Facebook Lesson #5 - Making Deeper Relationships with Facebook {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the fifth lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and general promotions. Now, by now if you followed along with us you have already created your Facebook fan page. Now what you want it is to drive more and more traffic to your page. To do this you need to start building a relationship. This obviously takes a lot of time and effort. It takes work. And if you’re anything like me than you don’t have much time to sit in front of your computer for hours and develop these relationship. This is where you should consider outsourcing this work. There are many places out there to do this. One is where you can literally outsource this type of action for about $1 – $2.22 per hour. If you do go this route, I would recommend however that you get someone who is also passionate about your field, and who thoroughly enjoys discussing your particular topic. If you can also use other social media sites, like Twitter to help build your profile and develop these longer relationships. From here, after some trust is developed, then you will be able to sell anything to your Facebook friends. We hope that you have enjoyed this series and use it to create better opportunities at Facebook for you and your business. It's time to get started and apply what you've learned. Head over to our site, watch over our shoulder and we'll show you what to do step by step. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME