SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #1 - Why Freelance? {!firstname_fix} Firstly, congratulations for being my subscriber. In these emails, you will get to know why many people have chosen to work for themselves and how freelancing has actually made them richer! Many people go freelance for many reasons. Most of them can't stand their boss or find that their career is going no where. Others simply wanted to earn some part time income to supplement their full time jobs, but found it more profitable and decided to quit their jobs and become full time freelancers. Although the idea of waking up late every morning and working as and when you want is extremely attractive, you would still need a steady stream of projects to earn a living from. No projects, no money. It's as straightforward as that. Some freelancers struggle because they have no idea where to get good projects from, or they have no idea how to clinch a project or are poor at presentations. Thankfully you don't have to go through all that. I'm going to recommend you a tested and proven guidebook which will reveal to you the techniques and methods top free- lancers use to bag loads of lucrative, well- paying jobs on a daily basis! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK