SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #4 - Freelancers All Need Guidance {!firstname_fix} If you think that anyone can simply drop everything, start freelancing and life will be fine and dandy you need a wake up call. The best freelancers earned their keeps through years of blood, sweat, tears and pain. Thankfully you won't have to go through this process. If you're fortunate enough, you could find a mentor. Someone would could guide you and offer you important tips, such as: - The most valuable sources for finding the highest paying freelance opportunities, even before these jobs are made known in mainstream forums and databases! -Learning how to determine whether a company is legitimate and avoiding the nasty clients altogether -A proven formula for placing your services in front of hungry crowds of buyers -Bid and win easily lucrative projects in online freelance marketplaces - Fixing the right prices to put a smile on your client's face! If you can't find such a mentor, worry not. I would like to recommend you a guidebook which covers all of the above points...and much more. Just follow this link to take a peek: YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME