SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #5 - Transform Into A Master Freelancer Now! {!firstname_fix} When I first started out freelancing, it was really tough. There was no one who was willing to guide me, I had to learn everything the hard way, and my competitors rudely pulled the mat from under my feet. But today I effortlessly pull in 5 figure sums every month by taking on a few projects, and I even have time for my family, my hobbies and holidays. I discovered why the majority of freelancers rarely make ends meet but a small minority are living the high life by following a few basic rules. Inside you'll discover... - The most valuable sources for finding the highest paying freelance opportunities, even before these jobs are made known in mainstream forums and databases! - Learning how to determine whether a company is legitimate and avoiding the nasty clients altogether - The secrets of bidding and winning lucrative projects in online freelance marketplaces - Creating value through their pricing, even though their prices weren't cheap! Of course I put these rules to good use and made a ton myself, although after a few months, my conscience made me realize that others struggling to earn a living could do with the secrets in this guide. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME