*STILL AVAILABLE!* 10+ Videos on How To Upload Files to Your Server! re: Not a techie person? Try this... RE: Get Instant Access to 'How To' Module #Tutorials (FTP, upload, setup website and more...) re: Struggling with FTP? Try this... REMINDER: 10 Step-by-Step Videos to Setup Your Website (details inside...) Here's something to think about... Most people that get involved in online marketing have NO clue as to how to build a website or what all the files are for... They have NO clue as to how to put those files on their server or manage their websites... And yet they think they can run a successful online business... YOUR LINK?l The fact is you need to learn how to walk before you can run. There is a learning phase that you have to go through, just as anything else, but it's really easy... once you know how. If you're in this position now and want to overcome this one little obstacle that's standing in the way of you launching 100s of successful websites then this video course is for you... Module #1 - Getting Started with FTP Module #2 - What You Need to have Beforehand Module #3 - Getting Your Website Setup for File Transfer Module #4 - How to get Your Login Information Module #5 - Saving and Organizing Your Account Information in Filezilla Module #6 - Connecting to your FTP Account in Filezilla Module #7 - Where do You Upload to? Module #8 - How to Upload Files Using the Filezilla Manager Module #9 - How to Delete, Copy, Move files, Create a Folder and more. Module #10 - Live Website Rules 101 Module #11 - How to Transfer Files without FTP Software Check out the link below for more details... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME