SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - The Basic Truth About Success {!firstname_fix} I’m about to address one of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of you making money right now. Being successful at anything you choose to do requires hard work and consistency. I know that in the Internet marketing field, use of those words is a big no-no, but it’s the undeniable truth. Without an understanding that you may have to work for your success you might think there’s some secret formula out there that’s going to magically put money in your pockets simply because you know it. Knowing this, I titled this report “Making Money Online for Newbies” because it implies that everything else is you’ve been doing is hard and that I’ve found some simple “secret” you aren’t aware of. It was the most direct way to get your attention and I’m not the only marketer who understands that. All you have to do is look at how many products you’ve bought with the expectation that if you bought it, you would be able to turn your business around with the “new secrets” you thought you were going to learn to see I’m telling the truth. I know you’ve seen some people who have hit the net full speed with their first product and had all kinds of crazy success. Many times it’s a fluke and it’s not something that person can ever reproduce because since their first product launch did so well, they get trapped into thinking that what they did was easy, forgetting all they time and effort they put into everything that got them there. It’s easy to get trapped into thinking that success is easy if you just have the right “knowledge” on your side. That’s the big myth pushed on you by slick marketers who only want to sell you stuff. But the truth of the matter is success doesn't always come easy even if you know the best “secrets” out there. Anytime I need money, there are always a few basic concepts I can rely on that will always produce profits in a short amount of time without me having to spend any money on advertising. The only reason I know about these concepts is because I read pretty much everything I could get my hands on until one day things just started to make sense, but it wasn’t easy to get to this point. When I started out I had no money, no business or marketing background, no support from my family or friends, no computer knowledge and well, no computer. That’s not the easiest way to start but I didn’t care. I wanted to be my own boss and be in control of my own life as much as possible. Period. Now, making money online isn't a dream for me anymore simply because I refused to let anything stand in the way of what I wanted. It did take me two solid years to start making money however. The most important thing I've learned about what it takes to be successful is that you can’t give up. Ever. Success has a way of waiting until 99.9% of the people who were looking for it give up in frustration before it decides to show up at your feet. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK