SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #2 - Google Alerts + Target Market = Cash! {firstname_fix} I bet that email subject caught your attention! Who would of thought that a free Google tool can actually make you money? There is a very powerful method for using Google Alerts that can drive highly targeted leads into your Gmail account. Many online business owners use Google alerts to keep track of all the news regarding their products or service. But ... many people don't realize that you can strategically create keyword rich phrases that send you targeted leads via alerts. In step 2 of the Google Traffic Pump system, you see exactly how to create these "lead-getting" phrases! You also get to see exactly how these phrases are strategically designed to find leads that need a solution to a problem that YOUR product or service provides! Think about it ... your product or service SOLVES their problem! And that's why this system is SO powerful! You not only get an unlimited source of leads, but your leads are all looking for the EXACT thing you are selling! If you are interested in seeing how to generate high quality leads for your online products go here: YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME