SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #3 - 10 Simple Methods Inside {!firstname_fix} Ok, let me get straight to the point ... Here are 10 effective methods to generate traffic to your website: 1. Leave comments on other people's blogs with a backlink to your site. 2. Advertise your website or service in the appropriate category on 3. Participate in 4. Exchange reciprocal links with other related sites in your niche. 5. Purchase ad spots or solo email ads in popular newsletters or ezines from 6. Submit articles to trade magazines with a link to your site in your bio 7. Use to automate your social bookmarking and automatically generate backlinks and traffic 8. Promote your website on the "Thank you" page of other sales sites related to your niche. Work out a mutually beneficial commission with the site owners. 9. Participate in online forum conversations that are related to your product, and insert your site link into the signature area. 10. Create your own blog at Blogging is a powerful and effective way to get free traffic from search engines, RSS feeds, other blogs, blog directories .. and more! ========================== 5 Bonus Blog Traffic Tips: ========================== 1. Submit your blog to all major blog directories like 2. Participate in blog carnivals. This is very similar to submitting articles. 3. Provide an email subscription form that allows your blog readers to receive your blog posts via emails. Use the Wordpress plugin "subscribe2" 4. Rewrite some of your blog content and post it to articles directories to increase backlinks and traffic. Try using 5. Find a hot topic on Technorati, post about it on your blog and then ping Technorati with your new post. If you want a killer free traffic method, then check out the new Google Traffic Pump System: YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME