SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #6 - The Formula In 5 Simple Steps {!firstname_fix} I'm going to lay it out for you so you know exactly what the Google Cash Pump System is all about. 1. Simple Keyword Research In this step I'll show you how to create this highly targeted list of keywords using free Google tools as well a few others that don't cost you a single penny! This is a very important step most online marketers tend to skip over quickly and suffer huge losses in profits. But you will learn how to avoid this mistake forcing you into profit from the start! 2. Formatting Keywords into Traffic Pumping Questions Many online marketers don't realize the power of questions! Strategically designed questions that contain your top keywords or keyword phrases can be extremely effective when it comes to driving massive traffic to your websites in record time! But, most importantly, these questions are also designed to attract laser targeted traffic of potential buyers that are looking for the exact solution your product or service can provide the solution for! 3. Setting Up Your Pump Funnel Gmail Account This is where your traffic hub starts as well as where you will be receiving your new lead information. 4. Setting Up Your Google Alerts Traffic Pump In this step you see how to setup your Google Alerts to pump laser targeted leads from the Google search index into your traffic funnel and ultimately to your web sites and/or services! This step takes your new Gmail account to the next level. 5. Getting The Traffic Pump Flowing And finally.. I'll show you how to maximize the return on your results so the work you did previous will give you top results. In other words, this step ties it all together forming a constant gushing pump of new fresh targeted leads into your online business in mere minutes! And that is all there is to it. Obviously if you've never done this before you can still get lost during the process. But once mastered it'll become second nature to you. This is why I'm providing full video training to back up the guide. Make sure you grab your copy today before the price goes up! YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME