SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - Place Yourself In The Top Percentile Of Marketers! {!firstname_fix} Did you know that by producing top 3D eCovers like the examples shown in Graphic Design Masterclass will place you well and truly above the other internet marketers who are still trying to figure out why their products are not selling? Graphics alone can seriously increase your conversions and your visitors will stop skimming through your sales pages and take the time to read what you have written! In fact, your graphics will look SO GOOD that the customers will think they're getting a physical product! More leads equates to more customers which leads to more sales and finally more profits and money in your bank! For example.. The most effective squeeze pages from my experience are the ones where the prospect doesn't have the ability to scroll down. All the content on your squeeze page should be above the fold of your page and this by all means includes your eCover. Why? Well because when your potential lead sees an image of a very real-looking cover graphic, this gives them the subconscious notion that they're receiving great quality in return for their details. Again this is visual psychology working it's magic and it's a great little perceived value booster. Check out the link below to see how you can add that perceived value to increase your conversions... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME