SUBJECT: Hub Page Traffic Lesson #5 - How To Make A Hub {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the fifth lesson of my seven-part crash course on Hubpages and how you can use Hubpages to be successful in generating traffic, greater sales, and exposure! Now is more like social medium, so it’s important that we realize that all of our hubs should not be created with the purpose of selling items. At best, one out of every four hubs should be a product hub. This is so that you aren’t booted out of altogether. Now, assuming that you’re already signed up through and have chosen your product you would like to promote, it’s time for you to create your Hub page! In our series, we will show you how to create the appropriate keywords for the product that you want to sell and generate the right kind of link for you to start earning money! We hope that you enjoyed this installment and look forward to seeing you again next time! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK