SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Get Your Product Written Within 1 Day {!firstname_fix} Today in your final lesson we are going to jump right in to the steps you need to take to create the content for your new ebook. A lot of people find this very daunting but it doesn't have to be and I'm going to share the secret to creating your own product super fast? In this lesson I will explain how to find good solid content for your project and have a killer product written within a day! This method is great because you don't have to waste hours performing painstaking research to write your next best seller. All of the research has been done for you! All you need to do to find good quality content for your ebook is know where to find it! The first place you should go is Ezine Articles: Ezine Articles has thousands of articles that you can use for the content of your product. Keep in mind you should not copy people's articles but you can by all means take the main points from an article and re write it in your own words. The only hard part is that it requires some editing and writing, but if you stay on track and you should be fine! Now let's go to Ezine Articles and type your search term in the search box. This will return a list of all the articles in the database. I recommend that you use the advanced search option so that you will get the best results. You can find the “Advanced Search” feature on the side of the page about halfway down. When searching try to use the exact phrase of your main keyword for instance I typed in “Dog Potty Training” and Ezine articles returned these results: Showing results 1 - 25 of 100000 for Dog Potty Training As you can see where I have highlighted on the picture above there are 100,000 articles on this topic! You could write thousands of chapters if you wanted too, but you only need 5 or 6! Now it's time to begin collecting content for your ebook. Start by finding 3 to 4 good articles on each topic that you have chosen for your chapters. Now, in the folder you created earlier create a separate sub folder for each of your chapters and copy and paste 4-5 articles for each chapter that you can use content from! As I said before you should not copy someone’s articles word for word, but you can use the ideas from them to create your own. Now you should have everything that you need to do is start writing your ebook. You can also find more specialized information by performing a forum search in Google for your topic. This will bring up all the forums to do with your niche so if you are looking for some more in depth info you can find it there here is what you do to do a forum search: · Go to · Type in your phrase/chapter and forums in the search box · For instance I typed in “Dog Potty Training Forums” and Google bought back 1,300,000 results which should be plenty enough for every chapter for a Dog Potty Training product! You can also use forums if you need a specific answer to a problem that you cannot find anywhere else. All you need to do is sign up as a member of the forum and ask your question and you will get answers! When you are doing your research in forums it is a good idea to say "Hello" and introduce yourself first and add a bit of content before you start asking for help. It does not need to be anything special just tell them about your “dogs” or what ever subject it is. Using the above methods you should have more than enough information to write your ebook and start making money from it too. Look for my email tomorrow, there will be some great stuff in your including a few pointers on how to put the information you've collected together as quickly as possible! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK