SUBJECT: Lead Gen Lesson #1 - Companies Need Your Skills {!firstname_fix} Despite the fact that businesses are willing to spend and outsource their advertising, there's a big problem they face. And that is sifting through legitimate lead generation companies. Let me give you some facts.. 1. According to statistics, over 50% of leads generally never convert, and most businesses spend too much of their time trying to convert those leads. 2. A lot of lead generation services will give out huge volumes of leads with questionable or low quality. So if you think you can provide businesses with high quality leads, without the huge volume this may just be your calling card. So instead of providing 10,000 leads of questionable quality, you can provide just 10 leads, that really want a product or service, similar to the ones being offered by your client. We've all seen it before, companies selling 10,000 leads and only 3 or 4 convert. So if companies are paying $1000 for these leads, it would be a no brainier for your lead generation service, to approach them and sell leads that have a higher conversion rate, for a cheaper price. Not only that, it will cost you anywhere from next to nothing, to a few cents, to get these high targeted leads, by following the simple steps we show you in this video series. You see, where I'm going here? Think about it....if companies see that the leads you are sending are indeed converting, you will get more business, let alone continuous business. Watch the videos below to see how you can get started today!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME