SUBJECT: Lead Gen Lesson #2 - Why This Business Model Works {!firstname_fix} Generating leads and traffic for off-line businesses can be a potentially very lucrative business. All companies require sales and leads, in order to be successful and be successful. Fortunately for you and unfortunately for many off-line businesses, they have no idea how to generate leads online. This is where you come in. Because Internet marketers have spent hours, days, months and years learning how to market their products online, they are further along on the learning curve then most businesses that aren't online. Now before you think that this is not for you, think about the rewards afterwards. Make contact once with your offline business, and if they hire you, and see the benefits of your leads, they will be more than happy to continue funding you. As for leads, generating leads for them needn't be hard. Some great places to generate leads include, free classified web sites such Craigslist or Backpage. You may also generate leads by promoting a particular company's products or services at social networking sites, other blogs, through Google AdWords, Yahoo or MSN pay-per-click advertising. Crafting and submitting press releases to free and paid sites is another good way to generate leads. Article marketing and advertising in related forums will also work. Essentially, you are using the same methods that you would to sell your own or an affiliate product, to generate these leads. Simply secure them and sale them to various businesses. You don't have to limit yourself to only working with companies in your area. The internet allows you to work with companies from all over the world, allowing you to secure profits and partnerships with a good number of companies. Watch the videos below to see how you can get started today!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME