SUBJECT: Lead Gen Lesson #3 - How To Follow-Up With A Customer {!firstname_fix} Whether you send gift certificates, coupons, a 2 for 1 special, a free gift, or just a friendly thank you letter to stay on your customer’s radar screen, these types of letters are memorable and encourage your customers to send you referrals. As always, these types of letters should be personalized, and never use a mailing address letter on the envelope. Here's an example of a customer who has just bought a piece of artwork who also receives a thank-you note making them aware of other offers especially reserved for them. Useful for any offline and online business! ---------- Dear Mr. Smith, I hope you are very pleased with your recent purchase of my quality artwork. May it bring much viewing pleasure for you and your family for years to come. Being an independent artist, I truly appreciate your business! I really want to personally thank you! You should know that a recent painting I did was auctioned locally for more than $10,000.00! My work is featured at local art shows, and my original Silent Tempest painting has been on display in the Wadsworth Atheneum In Hartford since 1998. That means if you hold onto your painting, you’ll likely see its value increase considerably. As you may know, I also paint custom portraits, landscapes, abstract art, and theme-based artwork from your choice of subjects. What does that mean for you? Good question. I just moved into a new, more spacious studio, and I’m having a special sale just for my best customers. Here’s what I want you to do (you’ll love this): call me right away for a absolutely FREE, no obligation quote on any custom painting you’d like me to do for you. But… Don’t tell me you have this letter until after I give you my free no-hassle quote. Only then tell me that you have this letter, and I’ll knock off an additional 21% off of my already ridiculously low price. That way you’ll know for sure I haven’t “padded” my price just to give the appearance of a sale. I’m going to let you trick me! Why would I do this? Simple. I want you as a customer for life. Most of my customers come back again and again, because they love my inspiration and extraordinary use of colors. And they appreciate the fact that no other local artist enjoys an appreciation on the value of their paintings as I do. So call me today at (555) 555-5555 for your FREE quote. Very Truly Yours, John Artist P.S. Remember, call me right away to take advantage of this most exclusive offer for my best customers only. P.P.S. Also, don’t tell me that you have this letter until after I give you my rock bottom price first! ---------- Ok, obviously that’s fictitious. Plus I personally wouldn’t use price as a selling point for an artist (unless your market warrants it), but you get the idea. One car salesman collects the name and address of everyone who comes in to check out a car. Then he sends them a personalized letter, thanking them for stopping by, and telling more about the car they looked at, it’s features, benefits, etc. Even if it results in one more sale a year (and he gets more than that), it’s worth it in his case. You can apply this format of after-sales follow-up in any business and is a great way to keep your customer hot for more. Watch the videos below to see how you can get started today!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME