How to Sell High-Ticket Services and Products to Offline Businesses... 6 Steps to Get Offline Business to Pay You for Your Service in YEAR! How to Create Tools and Software for Businesses (and get paid...) It's a fact that more and more Internet Marketers are providing services to offline companies because that's where the money is at. I mean who doesn't want to get paid at least 10 times the price for a service that you can already do. However many FAIL because they try to: * Cater to saturated niches, or niches that just aren't buying * Aren't correctly planning and use the wrong approach Here's the thing... There are lots and lots of systems on the Internet that show you how to provide marketing related services to offline businesses. Nothing wrong with that! But while that's great, I've decided to show you how to provide services to offline businesses that most people on the 'net aren't even thinking about, but are very profitable. You see, offline businesses need marketing related services, but they also need tools to help them run their business, better. For example, as you know, when dealing with online marketing, to run an online business, you need to have the know how to drive traffic to your site. But for your business and sales funnel to be efficient, you need to have a specific setup, software, tools, systems etc, in place for you to automate you save time and money. In fact, when I consulted local business owners in marketing, I realized there were so many goldmines out their...if only they could overcome certain problems. Up until now, these problems had been unfulfilled, yet the owners were more than willing to PAY, to get get them resolved...and I knew I could easily do this! This step by step video course takes you by the hand and shows you how to find a hot niche locally, create a product that can be applied to a specific, local small business niche, and then how to find people that want to market your product... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME