Traffic Formula Revealed! Mass Video = Mass Traffic. Get 1000+ Visitors a Month with Videos... (and make more sales...) Want traffic from videos but don't know how? Try this... 7-Steps to Profit with Your Videos (and get more traffic in YEAR...) Back in the late 90s, the web had nothing more than text and images. Then came audio streaming and MP3. Internet users started downloading MP3 musics from P2P networks. The Internet had slightly more to offer. Up until this point, video streaming was, for most parts of the world, impossible. After that, the first Internet broadband was introduced and in the mid-2000s more and more Internet users in developed countries started to hook up to the net with speed a thousand times faster than a mere 56k modem. Then came video streaming sites like YouTube. Marketers now no longer have to depend on shipping CDs and DVDs when their customers can just download videos off the net after purchase, saving a bundle on shipping costs! We're in the middle of history in the making. And yes you too are in the right place at the right time to tap into the power of video marketing. However to achieve substantial results from video marketing you need to have the following ingredients in your video marketing campaign.... * Interesting - if your videos are boring, there's no reason for your viewers to continue watching. Remember: they're one click away from closing the browser! * Viral - it must be newsworthy so that your viewers will tell others, who then in turn tell others, about your video. Thus allowing you to leverage on the best form of advertising i.e. word of mouth! * Call to Action - This is usually missing and experienced marketers can tell the seasoned pros apart from the rest just by observing whether the video has a call-to-action. Be it you work in a team, a company, or even an internet marketer on a shoe-string budget you can tap into a wealth a traffic when you know how to create quality video content. Check out the link below for full details... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME