re: How to Quit Your Day Job and Get Paid Every Month Online... RE: 12 Easy Steps to Start a Membership (and make sales consistently in YEAR...) REMINDER: Cash Running Dry?... This will sort it out... re: $13,500 a month with 500 members? (start your own membership...) re: Make $2,700 a month with a $27 product once?... Here's how If you're looking to build a monthly residual income online then there's no better way than by starting a membership... YOUR LINK?l Now you may be thinking... But just how profitable can a membership site be?... Let's say you create a membership site and charge just $27 a month for access. For most people that's not a lot of money... Instead of selling this as a single product and trying to make say a hundred sales a month, it is a membership site and you get a hundred people to sign up. That's $2700 in your pocket straight off! Not bad! Best of all, the next month instead of having to try and sell another hundred copies of your product you have a hundred members who will automatically give you their membership fees, another $2,700 in your pocket. Let's say in your second month 20 members leave but you recruit another 50, giving you a total of 150. You are now up to $4,050 in membership fees a month, and that's not including anything you make from selling to your members! If we imagine that after a year you have 500 members, which isn't a lot then you are earning a cool $13,500 a month from your members! You can probably add another 50% to that from promoting products to your members! If you really went for it to promote your site and got a thousand members that would be $27,000 a month just from one site! But what if the site charged more for membership?... The possibilities are truly limitless and you can create as much money as you want from your membership sites. Imagine you have your one site earning you $13,500 a month from just 500 members and you duplicate it a few times? What would that level of earnings do for your life? YOUR LINK?l So who can run a membership site?... Anyone can. Literally, anyone. It doesn't matter whether you've been to college or even finished school. It doesn't matter if you have no idea technically and struggle to even switch your computer on. Anyone can run a successful membership site and with thousands and thousands of potential niches out there it is easy for you to find a site that is profitable for you. You could start by creating a membership site build around a hobby of yours, or maybe a sport you enjoy. Then you can branch out in to other niches as well. The Membership Site Secrets program will show you how to find niches and how to understand what the niche wants and give it to them. You will be shocked when you realise how many untapped niches there are that are crying out for membership sites to be created and marketed to them! Just imagine having a regular monthly income from your online business... just how good would that feel for you? YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME