SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #1 - Why Create A Membership Site? {!firstname_fix} You may be thinking that a membership site is a lot of hard work for you, the site owner. Membership sites don’t have to be and can be set up on auto-pilot very easily, which means all you do is answer support calls and drive traffic. Membership sites are an excellent revenue model and can provide you with a recurring income if you are charging monthly. This recurring income is the Internet Marketers equivalent of job security. It means you get a regular sum of money every month, which all of us are happy about. A single membership site can very easily provide you with a full time income. The benefit is that your members are actively involved in the sales process. This means instead of just reading an email and ignoring it, which is what often happens with the traditional sales process, they get your email and take action on it to go to the membership site for their content. If they don’t take action they don’t get their content. This gives you some great opportunities to market to your members. When they log in to your site you can present them with one time offers and log in offers selling other products or upgraded memberships to them. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize that this could dramatically boost your income. Of course, with a membership site you have built a list of qualified buyers, i.e. your members. You can also email them with offers and market to them that way too. This provides you with a lot of opportunities to earn from cross promotions and affiliate products as well as your own products. You can see instantly how a membership site provides you with many different streams of income and can be so very profitable. People love to feel like they are a part of a community or “tribe”. It is basic human nature. Think about football team supporters and how fanatical they can be about their team. This tribal nature is a fundamental part of the human psyche. It also applies to membership sites. People love to belong and feel that sense of community and if you can build that up around your membership site then you are going to have a very popular and profitable site. You also have full control over your members access to the material in your membership site. For example, when selling an e-book the buyer can buy the product, download it and refund it and there’s nothing you can do about it. With a membership site as soon as they refund they lose access to the membership site. Membership sites can help to stop serial refunders and give you a degree of control over your product. All in all, membership sites are an excellent source of income for you and a great business model. Being able to set it on auto-pilot will seriously help you create some great streams of passive income. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK