SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #2 - Membership Site Formats {!firstname_fix} There are many different formats of membership site and your choice of format could influence the script you choose. If your script doesn’t offer the features to provide the format you want then you will either need to change your format or your script. From your niche research you will have determined what formats your target market will be open to. A fixed term membership site is a great model to set up on autopilot. Basically, someone joins your site and gets delivered content for a fixed period of time. It may be 3 months, 6 months or even a year. This model works well because the member knows they are not going to be billed forever. They know they sign up for a certain period of time and that’s it. At the end of the fixed term you can then market to the more advanced courses or other related courses. This model lends itself very nicely to delivery via an autoresponder rather than a script. Most marketers already have an autoresponder so it doesn’t require any further investment from you to get started. It is a very quick and easy membership site to get started and you only need to create the first months content initially to test the site. Once you have people signing up and it is selling, then you can create and add the rest of the content. Typically you will send content out on a weekly basis and bill on a monthly basis. The reason for billing monthly is that people are used to being charged for things monthly. Most of your household expenses are billed on a monthly basis and charging monthly for your membership site is comfortable for most people. The next type of model is the one of payment model. This single payment provides lifetime membership. This is great for content that isn’t being delivered over time or for delivering a traditional product. It is also very good for social networking type membership sites. This is a very good membership site model that many marketers use. The downside is you don’t get the recurring membership fees but you build a list of qualified buyers. The monthly payment membership site where content is delivered each month is the type of membership site most people are familiar with. Often these are billed until the member cancels because it is providing access to content that is regularly updated or to a forum / discussion board. This model is great for PLR memberships and other memberships where content is provided each month. Depending upon your business model you may well limit the number of members to your site. This scarcity can often help sales and justify the value of your site, particularly in the case of a PLR membership site. PLR is most valuable when few people have it, so a membership site with a limited number of members can charge a higher price than a site with more members. PLR and Resale Rights clubs are popular forms of membership site and lend themselves well to the membership site model. However, don’t get caught up in that being the only way to create a membership site. Other types of membership sites are dating sites. Niche dating sites are particularly popular and can be very profitable for you. Leading on from this are other types of social networking membership sites. Facebook is a well known social networking site but you can create niche social networking sites and charge for membership. One great way to get people in to your membership site is to offer a free level of membership. This may be in the form of a free 3, 7 or even 14 day trial so people can see inside the site and see what they can get. Lots of people will sign up to a free membership and this gives you an opportunity to tease them with whatever is on the inside of your site to get them to sign up. Not only that, but you have a list of people you can market other offers to as well. A free membership or trial can often make the difference in people choosing to sign up or not. A lot of people will give it a go if it is free and then if they find it is of value to them (which of course they will with your site) they stay a member for a period of time. Whenever you set up a membership site think about having a free point of entry into it because this can dramatically increase your signups and help to build a profitable targeted list. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK