SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #3 - Providing Content {!firstname_fix} The content is the heart of your membership site. The script is the engine that drives your site but ultimately it is the content that gets and retains members. Without good content you are going to struggle to set up a good membership site and to earn from it. It is up to you to provide high quality, valuable and useful content to your members. The better the content then the higher your member retention rate will be. Ideally you want the content to be unique to you for maximum value. If you do not have unique content and your content can be found by people outside of your membership site then there is no reason for anyone to join your membership site. Unique content is inherently more valuable and so you will be able to justify the cost of your site to your members through the value and uniqueness of the information they will receive. You will also want to update your membership site regularly. If you are delivering a normal e-book using a membership script then you want to add unexpected bonuses and other information regularly in order to get people back to the membership site so you can show them more offers and to keep you and your services in the forefront of their mind. If you have told your members that you will deliver content at a certain time then you need to make sure you deliver it on time. Many membership sites have gone under and the owners reputation has been ruined because they have been late in delivering the promised content. You want to listen to your members when it comes to providing content. Encourage feedback from them and then you can provide them with the content that they want to receive. This will help to make your site more popular and also help you to retain members longer. When it comes to creating you have a number of options available to you. Firstly you can write it all yourself. Obviously this is very time consuming but if you are an expert in the niche or you are on a tight budget, it may be the best option for you. The second option is to interview experts and use their interviews as content. You may even be able to get some of these experts to write you content for free in return for promoting them and talking about them. Particularly in non Internet Marketing niches experts are often happy to do this. The third option is one many marketers take. They hire freelancers to create the content for them. This will cost you money, particularly if you are hiring good quality freelancers, but it will ensure that you get unique content. There are some other options available to you such as getting your users to generate your content. This will work in a social networking or forum type of membership site. You can use resale rights products too but remember that these are often promoting other people’s websites and services and so can take away from you and your products. Finally you can use re-written PLR products. So long as you have changed them significantly then these are a great source of material for your membership site. You can break them down into lessons or use them as is, depending on the theme of your site. Content is vital to your site so make sure you take the time and make the effort to ensure the quality is high in order for you to retain members for as long as possible. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK