SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #4 - Retaining Members {!firstname_fix} Every membership site suffers from attrition, where members leave the site. It is a fact of life. People decide it is no longer for them, something happens in life or for other reasons they decide they are going to cancel their membership. It is important you understand what your unsubscribe rate is and you monitor it. If you find your unsubscribe rate is high then it means there is a problem with your content. Either it is not what people expected or it is not of the quality they are looking for. If this is the case then you need to work to improve your content in order to keep your members happy. You may find that after delivering a particular piece of content your unsubscribe rate shoots up. If it does this then you need to closely review that piece of content to determine what the problem is with it. Something about it has caused members to unsubscribe and you need to fix it. However, if you have focused on providing high value, exclusive information then you can easily keep your members happy. You will find that you get the highest number of unsubscribes in the first month. This is natural and every membership site both on and off line will suffer from the same thing. Therefore it is important that in the first month you provide a high degree of value and sell your members on what is coming down the line in future months. This will help to sway their decision to stay as a member. Some experts state that you need to provide ten times the value in the first month to your members. If you understand your target market then you shouldn’t find it too hard to provide them with high value information in your membership. You should also make sure that your sales letter is very clear on what people will find on the inside once they become members. It is important because if people expect one thing and find another then you are going to get a high level of unsubscribes and unhappy members. Remember that your unhappy members will talk and tell people how terrible your site is. It is human nature, so you do need to work to keep them happy. However, don’t do this at the expense of your business. There are times when you have to tell a member no. Contrary to popular belief, the customer isn’t always right. By making sure your content is delivered on time you will also retain your members. A lot of people whilst they will buy online still mistrust buying online products. This means that as soon as they see potential issues such as the product being delivered late they get jittery and you will find many will run and cancel their membership frightened they are being ripped off. If you are going to have to deliver content late then communicate this to your members and tell them about it. Offer them some sort of bonus because the content is late and you will still have happy members. At the end of the day you are always going to get people who will want to unsubscribe from your membership site. You should contact each one personally and ask them for their reasons, politely. This is so you can ensure that whatever made them unhappy and want to leave you can rectify (if possible) so that it doesn’t alienate other members. Few membership sites take this approach and it can help you to retain your members through producing a high quality membership site. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK