SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #5 - Making Your Site Succeed {!firstname_fix} If you want to make your membership site succeed there are some steps you can take to make sure that it does as well as possible. Obviously the first one is to ensure that you have picked an amazing niche and have great content, but you already knew that. One of the main ways to make your site succeed is to plan your content in advance. Know what the content of the site will be over the next 6 to 12 months. It is highly advisable to also get your content created in advance, at least a few months in advance. Whether you are creating the content yourself or you have a freelancer doing it for you, you never know what will happen. Things do happen and it means people can’t finish the work so you end up stuck with no content. If you have you have a couple of months of content already created it means that no matter what, you have your content for your membership site and time to find another freelancer to create it for you, if necessary. Many membership site owners launch their site, get some members and then sit back on their laurels. You need to be constantly working to get new members in to your site and to keep your site ranking well in the search engines. Unless you have deliberately limited numbers you want as many members as possible in your site. The more members you have, the more you are earning. By providing unexpected bonuses and additional content at random intervals you will keep your members on their toes. They are more likely to stay members because they are getting additional content and they do not know when the next pieces will arrive. Don’t let this stop you from marketing to your members. Your membership list is a valuable asset and if there are other quality programs and products in the marketplace then you should be marketing them to your members. This provides you with a valuable additional stream of income. A membership site is really a two way process. The members are more active with you and you are more active with your members. Your interaction with your members helps to keep them interested in your site (you are perceived as an expert by them) and helps retain their membership. Marketers are always looking for new niches to market to so you need to keep an eye on your niche to watch for competition. If a new membership site opens or a new product is launched in your niche you need to understand how it impacts your membership site. Most niches have new products, new information, new technologies appearing in them regularly. As a membership site owner you need to keep abreast of all of these new developments and relate them to your members where it is appropriate for you to do so. Taking this approach will help you to keep members because they will realise the value of your site because you are providing them with up to date information. Being on this cutting edge of information will always help your membership site to be perceived as being the best. If you think about adding value to your members at all times you will make sure that your membership site succeeds. A successful membership site will provide you with a great source of income and following the advice here will help to ensure that your site is one of the successful ones. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK