SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #6 - Driving Traffic {!firstname_fix} Every membership site needs new members and whilst you can get a lot of traffic from affiliates and from joint venture partners, it is important that you get some traffic direct. This will capture more of the market and help you to get new members to your site. Unless you have a waiting list for your site or a substantial mailing list, then traffic is one of the best ways to replace members that have left your site. Now you can use pay per click (PPC) marketing for instant targeted traffic and many marketers have great results with it. The only download of this is that it costs money. If you know how much the life time value of a member is then you will know how much you can afford to spend in order to acquire a new member. Of course, you don’t need to rely on PPC for your traffic, not everybody wants to get involved with it. If you optimize your website for the search engines and then work on getting inbound links based on your keywords through article marketing etc then you will start to get organic search engine traffic. Depending on the keywords that you are targeting this may take a lot of work, but with some good keyword research you can easily find some long tail keywords to target. A good way to get traffic is to participate in forums and groups related to your niche. If you can advertise your membership site in your signature then you will get people clicking through from your posts. You will get a high click through rate if you establish yourself as an expert through authoritative posts and being professional. There are many newsletters and e-zines in most niches and some of these accept paid advertising. If you can’t joint venture with list owners then you can always pay to advertise in their newsletter. A well written advert can get a good click through rate and you can easily get new members from a single advert. Of course, we must not forget that there is an entire world offline you can advertise in. There are many niche related publications and groups offline that you can market to and get new members from. These are largely untapped sources and you could always create a physical offline product from your membership site and market it completely offline. Your existing members are an excellent source of traffic. If you set up an affiliate program and automatically make your members affiliates you can encourage them to spread the word and to get paid for their efforts. It only takes them to recruit a couple of members and their membership is paid for, which is a very powerful marketing tool. The social networking scene is also a great place to get traffic. If you build vibrant social networking groups relating to your niche you can market your membership site to them. This includes sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and more. By working to give your membership site a reputation of being the “place to be” you will find it helpful to you in recruiting members. Traffic is something that you need to be considering at all times in order to keep a fresh flow of new members in to your site. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK