SUBJECT: Membership Sites Lesson #7 - Summary Of What You Need To Do {!firstname_fix} Membership sites are an excellent source of income for you as the site owner. Depending on your business model it may provide you with a recurring income, which gives you a reliable income. How you set up the site is up to you but now you will have the information you need to pick a script and then decide upon a niche. There are many niches you can create membership sites on, not just Internet Marketing. Membership sites are popular because they give people a sense of belonging and appeal to the fundamental human need of being a part of a tribe. By delivering high value and unique content regularly you can maximize your membership retention rate and keep your site earning for you. Through feedback from your members and engaging them in conversation you can improve your membership site. To get you started all you need to do is: 1) Pick a niche to create a membership site in 2) Determine which script you are going to use 3) Decide upon the model for your membership site, i.e. fixed term, recurring billing, free or one off payment 4) Plan out the content for your membership site for the next 6 to 12 months 5) Recruit joint venture partners to market your site 6) Drive traffic to it to get members to join 7) Recruit your members as affiliates and get them to promote your site 8) Keep marketing it and replacing any members that leave with new members. Then all you need to do is rinse and repeat in multiple niches and you can have a network of highly profitable sites earning you money. Membership sites are a great business model and a highly profitable one for Internet Marketers. If you do not have any in your portfolio now is the time to seriously consider adding one (or more) to your network of sites. You now have all the information you need to create a profitable membership site and now it is time for you to take action. Work through the eight step plan above and create your first membership site … once you have one you will want to create more! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK